about the author

Kristine Snodgrass’s collaborative work with Neil de la Flor and Maureen Seaton is forthcoming in a book, TWO THIEVES & A LIAR (JackLeg Press, 2012). Other collaborative work can be found in Hayden’s Ferry Review, Melusine, Diode, Artifice, and LIT, among others. Her solo poetry has appeared in many journals and anthologies including Versal, 5_Trope, Big Bridge, Shampoo, Coconut, 2River View, Gulfstream, The Tusculum Review, and Tigertail. She is the author of the chapbooks, Fledgling Starlet (Grey Book Press, 2009) and Facial Geometry, a collaboration with de la Flor and Seaton (NeO Pepper Press, 2006).

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Mend the Pants

Kristine Snodgrass

Mend the child’s pants. Mend the child’s pants. The pants are the child’s. Mend the child’s pants. Mend the pants. Mend the pants with thread. Mend the pants with thread. Use the thread. Mend the pants. Use the thread and mend the pants. Mend the pants with used thread. Mend the used pants with thread. Mend the thread. Mend the child’s pants. Mind the child. Mind the child’s threads. Mind the thread. Mind the needle. Mind the child’s pants and threads. Mind the needle. Mind the thread and needle. Thread the needle. Thread the needle. Thread the pants. Thread the pants. Thread the needle and the pants will mend. Thread the needle and the pants will mind. Mind the thread. Mind the needle. Mind the child. Mind the pants and the threads. Mind the child’s pants. Mind the child’s thread. The needle in pants. The needle in pants and thread. The needle in pants and thread is minding the child. Mind the child and the verb. Mind the verb. The verb is IS. The verb is IS. The needle is in the pants. The needle is in the pants. The needle is in the pants. The needle is in the pants. The needle is in the thread and the pants. The needle is in the threaded pants. Mind the needle. Mind the child. Mind the child’s needle. Mind the child’s needle and thread. Thread the child. Thread the child through the needle. Child and thread. In the needle, the child. Mind the child and the needle and the thread. Mind the needle when mending the pants. Mend the pants for the child. Mend the pants that are the child’s. Mend the child’s pants. The needle in pants. The needle in thread. Mind the verb. The needle is in the pants and the thread is in the needle. Mend the child. Mend the pants. Mend the child. Mind the pants. Mind the pants and mend the child. Mind the pants and mend the child. Mind the pants and mend the child. This child is on the mend. The pants are on the mend. Mind the pants and the threads. Thread the needle. Thread the needle. Thread the needle. Thread the needle. Thread. Thread. Threads. Threads. Threads. Mending the pants. Mend. Mind the verb. Are mending. The needle is in the pants. The needle is in the pants. The needle is in her hands. The needle is in the child’s hands.

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